Open Doors for Refugees

Open Doors for Refugees is an all-volunteer, community supported, Madison based organization whose mission is to help refugees make a home in the Madison area. In collaboration with the local refugee resettlement agencies, we work with refugees from when they arrive through their first several years here. Most significantly, we collect donations of furniture and household items and use them to set up apartments. We have teams of volunteers to help with Employment, Translation, Transportation, ESL and Orientation, and we provide cost-sharing to help refugees take classes or get training that will help them become more self-sufficient. We also host and sponsor several public events each year that inform the public and help build public support. Finally, this year we are initiating a process to help Madison become a Certified Welcoming City for refugees and immigrants.

To contact us, please send an email to You can visit our website at or our Facebook page at

Thank you for your support!